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stores in Los Angeles and Southern California

Ancient Capitals of Thailand
'Ancient Captials of Thailand' describes the old important cities and
captials of Southern Thailand. These include Sukothai, Ayuthaya, Kampeng
and several other cities. The book is beautifully illustrated with more
than 350 photographs. It also provides site maps and descriptions of
the different places and the major temples and structures. Thus, it's
not just a 'picture book", but I can recommend this book both for
content and quality of the pictures. The book does not cover the cities
of the Northern Kingdoms (e.g., Lanna), this is supposed to be the topic
of another book.
Hardcover - 366 pages (January 2001)
River Books; ISBN: 9748225003 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.25 x 10.97
x 11.29

in the Landscape
A sacred expression of Thailand
Photos Capture the Majesty of Thai Statues of the Buddha
In all regions of Thailand-the rugged, forested hills of the north,
the emerald paddy fields of the central pains, the tropical islands
and plantations of the south-monumental, exquisitely rendered statues
of Buddha preside. And in the pages of the new book Buddha in the Landscape
from Pomegranate, photographer Mark Standen puts viewers in the presence
of these exceptional Buddhas. Standen takes readers to cities where
"The Enlightened One" towers over the skyline as well as to
remote places where the Buddha watches over the rhythms of agrarian
life from a natural throne above the fields. No other country in the
world offers the wealth and variety of statues of the Buddha found in
Thailand. Buddha in the Landscape is the first book to present a select
portfolio of these exceptional images.Standen artfully pictures the
Buddhas in their many manifestations-executed in brilliant white with
gold headdresses, tiled from top to bottom with small taupe-colored
tiles; standing, seated, or laying down; demonstrating various mudras
(symbolic gestures). Through superb color photographs
and insightful text, this book offers a unique window into the enduring
faith of the Thai people and the natural beauty of their country. In
addition, it gives background on the Buddhist religion, Buddhism in
Thailand, and on how these religious statues are created.
Hardcover - 280 pages 1 edition (February 1, 1999)
Pomegranate; ISBN: 0764907700 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.25 x 10.14
x 11.39

THAILAND land of beautiful Women
For several years, Thai women have been well on their way to becoming
international celebrities. The cheerful attitude, the graceful movement,
the charming smile, the gentle nature, the lovely figure, the total
lack of self-pity. All this and more seems to have combined into a Siamese
bewitchment captivating men of almost every nationality. For many, the
mention of Thai women conjures up the stereotype of unbridled sensuality
in the lush Tropics. But in pictures and in text, Thailand: Land of
Beautiful Women attempts to delve deeper into the reasons for their
phenomenal popularity.
The author concludes that, from classical dancers to construction
workers, from go-go dancers to rice farmers, their charm is far more
than merely physical. Thai cultural values and the teachings of the
Buddhist religion have endowed the women of Thailand with confidence,
grace and intelligence.
Their attraction involves a vivaciousness, a well-developed sense of
humor, and, perhaps, above all, the intelligence to deal with lifes
problems while maintaining an almost childlike ability to delight in
living. In other words, an attitude toward life which understands that
life is meant to be enjoyed.
Paperback - 160 pages (August 2001)
Village East Book; ISBN: 0966189930 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.47 x
10.25 x 7.55
History and Art
| Travel Litterature | Thai
Cooking | Learning Thai

& English Thai
Dictionary and Phrasebook
A nice, simple phrasebook..., June 25, 2000
Reviewer: A reader from USA
After reading through this phrasebook, I've but two main observations.
First is the positive. The tone markers are incredibly easy to understand,
in fact, it is the best system I've seen so far. My only complaint is
that there is absolutely no Thai scrpit in the book at all. So if you
are having trouble pronouncing the word, your Thai friend/companion/etc.
cannot simply read the Thai script and help you out. Other than that
this is a nice phrasebook which has come in handy when I've used it
in conjunction with other Thai language-learning materials.
Paperback - 197 pages (September 1999)
Hippocrene Books; ISBN: 0781807743 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.54 x
6.96 x 3.75

for beginners
Designed for either self-study or classroom use. Teaches all four language
skills speaking, listening (when used in conjunction with the cassette
tapes), reading and writing . Offers clear, easy, step-by-step instruction,
building on what has beenpreviously learned. Used by many Thai temples
in America.
About the Author
Benjawan Poomsan Becker was born in Bangkok and spent her childhood
in Yasothon, a small town in Northeast Thailand. Her parents are ethic
Laotians so she grew up speaking both Thai and Lao. She graduated from
Khon Kaen University in Thailand in 1990, with an honored B.A. degree
in English.
Paperback - 262 pages (April 1, 1995)
Paiboon Publishing; ISBN: 1887521003
Did you know that Thai for beginners is also available as tapes you
can play in your car? Click on the tapes
link or purchase both book and takes together.

for lovers
Thai for Lovers is the ideal language guide to romance in the Land of
Smiles- Thailand! There are useful words, sentences and expressions
with the Thai translations throughout the book. You won't find any Thai
language book as fun and user-friendly! There are nine chapters: Greetings,
General Conversation, Courting, Romantic Conversation, Making Love,
Love Letters, Getting Married, Breaking Up and Night Life & Slang.
About the Authors: Nit and Jack Ajee are married and live in
California, USA. Nit is a Thai woman raised in the Northeast of Thailand.
Jack is originally from Seattle, USA. They both have experience teaching
Thai and English to foreigners. They have socialized and had business
dealings with many other interracial couples which include a Thai partner.
The resulting questions and discussions about Thai romantic culture
were the inspiration for them to write Thai for Lovers.
Paperback - 190 pages (December 21, 1999)
Paiboon Publishing; ISBN: 1887521046
History and Art
| Travel Litterature | Thai
Cooking | Learning Thai

of Thailand
a photographic guide for bird lovers
Michele-Marie von Bergen from Mountain City,TN
This is a well done pocket size photografic book on the birds of Thailand.The
pictures are very good.It also is has some good information besides
just being a picture book.It is a great book for the money.
Paperback - 144 pages (June 1999)
Chelsea Green Pub Co; ISBN: 0883590417 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.47
x 7.49 x 3.83
History and Art
| Travel Litterature | Thai
Cooking | Learning Thai

raining Fishes
Cook Book
From Book News, Inc.
The recipes are only part of the fun in this compendium of information
about the land, people, and culinary traditions of Thailand. Ingredients
are thoroughly described (good news: coconut milk is not necessarily
a no-no for cholesterol watchers; chili peppers are great for you).
Recipes include lots of notes and variations. Colorful watercolor illustrations
enhance the feeling of travel and discovery. Annotation c. by Book News,
Inc., Portland, Or.
One reader from Los Angeles, CA Writes:
The prose in this book is so charming, and so well written. Kasma's
stories of her youth sometimes almost brought a tear to my eye!
More cookbooks should contain the cultural essays and autobiographical
information that Kasma uses to explain why she loves the recipes shes
shares with the reader.
Paperback - 224 pages (July 1995)
Pomegranate; ISBN: 0876543565 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.76 x 11.12
x 8.57